First Flask

Ass Pocket Whiskey Fellas

Ode to Jimmy Butters is a true story about a man named Jimmy Butters, his friends and a local Irish pub in San Diego called the Blarney Stone. From dinner time on, transplanted lads from across the pond, all sit in the corner of this now famous pub, telling stories from home. Where the bigger the lie told, the more truth it holds.

You wouldn't

Ode to Jimmy Butters is a true story about a man named Jimmy Butters, his friends and a local Irish pub in San Diego called the Blarney Stone. From dinner time on, transplanted lads from across the pond, all sit in the corner of this now famous pub, telling stories from home. Where the bigger the lie told, the more truth it holds.

You wouldn't think you'd see men of this age sitting in their own reserved section and personal bar stools of the pub each with a beer on the bar, a beer in hand and their free hand waving in the air like deaf people screaming at each other. The more beers get necked, the taller the tale grows and thats when the Blarney starts to flow...

Its a feel good song and a feel good story about the life and times of the late Jimmy Butters.

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